UndauntedRaidErrors-Desktop@2x Name
UndauntedRaidErrors-Mobile@2x Name


We have become aware of a booster display issue affecting a small fraction of booster boxes manufactured late in the production of My Hero Academia: Undaunted Raid. This problem affects less than 10% of booster packs.

It appears that some product in the later batches of Undaunted Raid have a collation error causing the following common rarity cards to be missing:

Hardened Fist 2/122
Learning to Harden 7/122
Fat Grapple 14/122
Big Appetite 15/122
Practical Studies 26/122
Flurry of Punches 30/122
Seasoned Brawler 36/122
Single Spiral 39/122
Ryukyu Agency Trainees 44/122
Precision Seal Strike 48/122
Foresight 53/122
Self Doubt 62/122
Crystal Sword Cutter 67/122
Human Garbage 70/122
Hair-Raiser Slash 96/122
Lockdown Knockdown 99/122
Confession 106/122
Energy Suction 110/122
Heroic Assistants 112/122

All other rarities of cards are unaffected.

In summary, in the affected product there are 19 commons that will not appear, with an increased rate of the other 19 commons.

Those encountering this issue can reach out to our support team at community@uvsgames.com with the following information:

• Picture of the opened product with common rarity cards fanned out and your email address in the photo.
• Mailing address.
• Proof of purchase (email receipt).

We are currently working with our printer to provide four copies of each missing common to players affected by this issue. Once confirmed we will mail you a playset of the missing commons.

• Please note that these cards still need to be printed and shipped from our manufacturer. We will provide an ETA once these cards are ready, but it will take several weeks at a minimum. We are limiting this to one playset per player.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your support,
UVS Games Staff

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