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UVS Games Game Design Team

There are no changes to the UniVersus Ban list this month. Heading into the Nationals events push, we are excited to see what the players have been brewing up for these huge events. We are keeping a very close eye on any potential outliers in recent and upcoming events to ensure a diverse and healthy metagame. The team hopes to see you at our upcoming Nationals events!

However, we do have an errata to issue for a card releasing this coming Friday, Jan 10th, 2025 in the Solo Leveling Challenger Series.

Fateful Decision

  • Old - Enhance Commit: After you play a block, it gains Breaker: 1.

  • New - Enhance Commit: If you block this attack, your block gains Breaker: 1.

We missed updating the wording here, and this errata ensures that the ability will be played as intended.

Because this is a change to a card releasing this week, and is a simple clarification on how it was always intended to read, this update will take effect immediately, rather than next week. 

Our Card Errata and Legality Document is here.

Want to share your thoughts? Join in on the conversations happening at our socials and discord. Find all of our links here.

Keep an eye on our site for official news and next month's Ban and Errata update!

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