
The Coolest Prize in Gaming, Design-A-Card Prize Update

Drew Nolosco, UVS Games Head of Product

The Coolest Prize in Gaming

Design-A-Card Prize Update

Drew Nolosco, Head of Product at UVS Games here with an update on the Coolest Prize in Gaming: Design-A-Card. What are these prizes? An opportunity to collaborate with UVS Games Creative and Game Design teams to help design a brand new card!

First, our collaboration with the winners of Hero League Championship 2023 and the Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament Wish Event is steaming full speed ahead. We plan to release those cards by the end of 2024. 

But that’s not the end of the story. Design-A-Card has a long history with UniVersus, stretching all the way back to when this game was called Universal Fighting System. UVS Games inherited an obligation from the old Jasco Games, and we intend to fulfill it. There are eleven Design-A-Card prize winners from the olden days who never had their prize awarded. We’re going to make that right, and we’re going to do it with the care and attention those winners deserve. 

UVS Games is in contact with the eleven past Design-A-Card winners. We’ll be working with the winners on releasing a group of these prize cards per calendar quarter until we’re caught up. You can expect the first of these groups in Q1 2025.

When we release these long-overdue cards, the winners will each get a box of their own card, and all fans will be able to obtain the cards from the UGN Reward Store. You earn loyalty points for each UGN event you participate in, so play and bank those points!

And lastly, Design-A-Card prizes have a long tradition with our game, and will continue as prizes for our largest events, like Worlds 2024. Want to win the next prize and Design-A-card with us? Regionals are coming up and offer an invite to Worlds 2024.

Season 2 OCE Regional

July 6th & 7th

Wollongong, Aus

Sign Up Now

Season 2 NA Regional

July 13th & 14th

St. Louis, MO, USA

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Season 2 EU Regional

July 27th & 28th

Nottingham, UK

Sign Up Now

Season 3 NA Regional

October 5th & 6th

Atlanta, GA, USA

UGN Sign Up Coming Soon

Season 3 OCE Regional

October 19th & 20th

Auckland, NZ

UGN Sign Up Coming Soon

Season 3 EU Regional

October 26th & 27th

Sheffield, UK

UGN Sign Up Coming Soon

After Regionals, 2024 Nationals are a second route to qualify for Worlds 2024:

OCE Nationals

January 10, 2025 - January 12, 2025

Brisbane, AUS

UK Nationals

January 17, 2025 - January 19, 2025

Leeds, UK

NA Nationals

January 24, 2025 - January 26, 2025

Dallas, TX

Once you make it to Worlds, you just have to win. Only the very best can earn a Design-A-Card prize!

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