My Hero Academia Collectible Card Game Set 4: League of Villains Booster Display

3D-MHACCG-S4-LOV-BoosterBox 1
3D-MHACCG-S4-LOV-BoosterBox 2
3D-MHACCG-S4-LOV-BoosterBox 3
3D-MHACCG-S4-LOV-BoosterBox 4
3D-MHACCG-S4-LOV-BoosterBox 5


It’s time for Villains to take center stage! MY HERO ACADEMIA COLLECTIBLE CARD GAME: League of Villains Booster Display Box places a special emphasis on the Villains from My Hero Academia. The newest expansion grants players access to 8 new playable character
cards, and a number of game-changing attacks, foundations, assets, and actions that will allow players to create brand new decks and innovate on previous favorites.

• 24 – Series 4 League of Villains Booster packs, each containing 10 cards
• 1 – Box Topper XR promotional card
• 2 – Quirk pack promotional card packs

mha license background

Featured Cards

055 Tomura Shigaraki XR
UVS04 League of Villains | 010 Himiko Toga
UVS04 League of Villains | 001 Dabi
UVS04 League of Villains | 085 Dark Shadow Berserk
UVS04 League of Villains | 110 United States of Smash

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