Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria Booster Display

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The beloved tabletop roleplaying sensation Critical Role returns to UniVersus with the exciting Heroes of Exandria booster set! Each booster box contains 24 eleven-card packs, each with one character card and ten Attacks, Foundations, and more! It'll take all your skill and will to face rival players and deadly Boss cards alike in Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria!

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20 fan-favorite Critical Role characters join the adventure, from both the Vox Machina and Mighty Nein campaigns! From legendary player characters to the stalwart supporting cast, the biggest names in Exandria are at your fingertips!

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Build new strategies and deck synergies with nine character Classes and all-new Backups! Charm your foes as an Entertainer, smash all obstacles as a Brute, or listen to the voice of nature itself as a Warden!

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Gear up and head into battle with powerful artifacts and items, including the fabled Vestiges of Divergence!

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Add some shine to your collection with 8 Chrome character cards, each featuring a gold-stamp signature from that character's Critical Role cast member!

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All the magic and all the mayhem of Critical Role is right here in Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria, with over 250 new UniVersus cards! Grab a booster box and start building your collection now!

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Critical Role

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