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Meet the Pro Heroes in Jet Burn!

UVS Staff

Greetings, Heroes!

As we progress through the Card Reveal season for My Hero Academia: Jet Burn, we’re excited to start taking deeper dives into the new characters and strategies that Jet Burn will provide! 

MHACCG-S6-01 BestJeanist CH (1)

Pro Hero Best Jeanist is all about tying up your Rival's resources by adding cards into their card pool any time a player blocks an attack! Blocking your Rival's attacks forces them to deal with progressive difficulty -- and they have to deal with it if they block your attacks as well!

On top of that -- Best Jeanist's other Response can either give or remove speed from the second attack played each turn -- and if there is a Ranged in your card pool, you even get to draw a card!

Leverage "Ranged" keyword cards that you can effectively block with such as "Chronostasis Trigger" and "Navel Laser Beam" to break your Rival's aggressive turns and leave them open to a brutal counterswing!

MHACCG-S6-019 Endeavor CH

Endeavor's new Character Card wants to burn away his own deck until there's nothing left to unlock true power!

Endeavor's first Enhance allows him to Mill 4 cards from the top of his deck to give his attack 2 speed, but if you have cycled your deck this game (you have ran out of cards in your deck and shuffled your discard pile) you also get THREE DAMAGE ON ALL OF YOUR ATTACKS.

Endeavor has a very strong incentive to run a minimum deck size and deck himself out as soon as possible because of this which is also encouraged by his other ability, a Once Per Game Form. (Any time you see that line of text on a Character, you know it's gonna be a doozy!)

Endeavor's Once Per Game form you him to take any attack from your removed from game pile and add it to your hand! Even if you're low on resources and it's looking like your deck will smolder out, Endeavor can make one final push to defeat his Rival!

MHACCG-S6-037 Hawks CH

Hawks's kit revolves around his signature attack, "Hawks' Feather"! Hawks' Static ability gives him two copies of Hawks' Feather from your discard pile each turn to work with that he can use for anything from small attack pokes, blocking or even discarding them for other effects!

Hawks is a very aggressive character which uses his Enhance ability to switch his attack's stats around to make them harder to block or deal more damage!

Lastly, Hawks' Response allows him give +1 or -1 Speed to an attacking card after its speed is modified. Combining this with any repeatable way to increase your speed stat such as "#2 Pro Hero", "Lemillion of the Big 3", or "Quick to Act" to make your attacks too fast to block!

MHACCG-S6-082 Ryukyu CH

Ryukyu loves to keep things simple! Any time you play a card with no abilities you get to draw a card and add a card from your hand to your Momentum! Since this effect is NOT ONCE PER TURN, you can generate an incredible amount of value by keeping your deck as simple as possible by prioritizing cards that don't have text!

Ryukyu's kit in Jet Burn facilitates this as there are multiple attacks and even a foundation that can trigger her Momentum ramp ability!

Lastly, she can discard 1 momentum to give any of her attacks with no abilities +4 damage. Every one of your attacks come forth with the full might of a dragon!

Jet Burn's Prerelease is coming up soon! Jet Burn's official release is November 17th, 2023 but the first chance you'll have to get Jet Burn is at your local game store on November 10th, 2023!

You can find a Prerelease event near you here !

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