Introducing the New UVS Games Player Rewards Store
UVS Games
Today is a great day to be a fan of UVS Games and a UniVersus player! We’re announcing the relaunch of our player Rewards Store with awesome new features, fantastic new rewards, and a new focus on ensuring our Rewards Store is exactly that: rewarding!
What is the UVS Player Rewards Store?
Both the UniVersus Gaming Network (UGN) events you participate in and the UniVersus products you buy earn you Loyalty Points (LP). Those points are added to your UGN account, and you can spend them on rewards in our UniVersus Rewards Store.
Don’t have an account? You’re missing out! Sign up here.
Once you have enough LP, you can exchange them for whatever rewards catch your eye (plus a small shipping fee). We ship them directly to you within 2-4 weeks. We even run promotions that offer bonus LP! Preregister for the Attack on Titan 3 Prerelease starting next week and receive 120 bonus LP when you play your event! Stay tuned next week for details!
What are we changing?
While our Rewards Store has been a unique, fan-favorite offering from UVS Games, it was due for some upgrades. Fan feedback from our annual survey as well as our regular engagements with players like you revealed a few key adjustments we could make to improve your experience:
Shifting to a variety of reward types, instead of primarily promo cards
Rotating prizes to keep offerings exciting and easier to peruse on the website
Providing LP through physical product in a more convenient fashion (no more redeeming individual booster pack wrappers!)
We’ve heard you! Beginning Monday morning, March 17th we’re relaunching with these changes in mind. First, rewards will not just include promo cards. Instead, new items like sleeves, dice, physical products, experiences, and more will be included in the mix. Second, rewards will rotate on a weekly basis. Each Monday morning, the prior week’s rewards will be replaced with a new slate of rewards for the new week. We’ll post an update each week on what the new rewards are, and you’ll want to make sure to check it out, as some rewards are limited in availability due to quantities remaining on hand. What if you miss a week? That’s okay! Items that have previously been featured will rotate back into the store in future weeks as supplies permit.
Our third and fourth items on the list are big enough changes that we’re going to dedicate a little more space to walking through each of them individually.
Our Loyalty Points economy:
events and actions
Our prior Loyalty Points economy was a little difficult to understand, and had some point totals that were unintuitive. For example, attending a local weekly event awarded far more points than purchasing a booster box of product, something many of you shared with us felt inequitable. In the new world we wanted to adjust the points we offer and the cost of rewards to make a bit more sense for the casual user, though in doing so we are not adjusting points that are already in people’s accounts. The points you’ve earned will remain in your account for you to spend how you like today and in the future, including after our relaunch.
Moving forward, a typical promo card will cost 120 Loyalty Points. Here are some typical actions you can take with your UGN account and how many points they’ll reward you–we’ll cover how product purchases award points in the next section.
Attending a weekly local game store (LGS) event: 60 Loyalty Points
Participating in a Quick Play event: 10 Loyalty Points (capped at 2 event per week)
Attending a Regionals event: 240 LP
Attending a Worlds event: 480 LP
Attending a Prerelease event: 60 LP
Playing side events at a Regionals: 60 LP per event
This is not a complete list of the actions you can take to earn points, and from time to time we even offer special Loyalty Points opportunities. We may also adjust our offerings based on player feedback and usage metrics over time, but we’ll share any changes we make with you. Finally, prizes awarded for participating in specific events in-store, for example promo cards given out at events like Store Scrambles, will still be awarded in-person and are not impacted by the loyalty program.
Our Loyalty Points economy:
buying products
Previously our redemption program for purchasing products rewarded 1 point per booster pack… but you had to manually count up your packs, fill out paperwork, and then mail them to us. As many of you told us during feedback, that was tedious and unfun, and we’re happy to announce that method is no more! We previously shared our plans on this front here.
Starting with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, products that are eligible for point redemption will include a code card inside that you can use to redeem LP directly to your account. No more shipments or paperwork: just type in the code and voila: Loyalty Points!
So how many points do you get for redeeming your products? Here are some examples:
Booster box: 120 LP
Challenger deck: 60 LP
Starter products: 30 LP
With the baseline points cost of a promo card being 120 LP, that means each booster box you purchase nets you a promo card’s worth of points. Buy both decks from a Challenger Series and you get to score another promo card! We’re going to start with these point thresholds, but may adjust based on your feedback and what our data shows us about usage. If we decide to make changes, we’ll let you know publicly.
Up next…
We’re so excited to share the new changes to our Rewards Store with you when they launch Monday, March 17th. Any points you earn between now and then, along with any points currently in your account, will still be eligible for redemption from now until then and after the relaunch too. The Rewards Store offerings currently listed in the store will rotate out at that time, with the exception of the World Champ mechanically unique promos, while the new week’s worth of prizes rotates in, and then we’ll have new offerings each week moving forward. If you didn’t have time to earn a reward before it rotates out, don’t worry! They’ll likely rotate back in during later weeks. Some rewards, like occasional newly-introduced mechanically-unique promo cards, may remain in the store longer than one week to ensure the broader community has time to earn them.
Don’t miss the launch! Sign up for your UGN account here.
Questions? Comments? We want to hear from you! Reach out to us on our socials: