Introducing: Blitz
UVS Games Staff
In UniVersus, the timing of when cards and abilities can be played is defined by “timing keywords” located on cards. Today we’re excited to introduce a new timing keyword: Blitz.
What is Blitz?
Blitz changes the timing on when some attacks resolve their effects. Previously, many attacks had abilities that relied on the “enhance” step for their effects. This led to two challenges that impacted game play:
Many players, particularly new players, were expecting their attacks to do something right away when played.
Delaying the effects of attacks led to significant added time in resolving Attacks as players had to frequently evaluate and re-evaluate their options before resolving their attack, even though much of the time they weren’t making a new decision.
Attacks with the Blitz timing keyword change when the primary ability of an attack occurs. Here is the rules text for Blitz:
Blitz abilities are played during the start of the Enhance Step, before Enhance abilities are played. Once a player has finished playing Blitz abilities, they may play an Enhance ability. They may not play Blitz abilities after the start of the Enhance Step.
When a player plays an attack that has a Blitz ability, that ability will happen before the Enhance step. Then players proceed with Enhances as usual on any cards with Enhance abilities. Here are a few additional pieces of information about Blitz:
Optional Use: Blitz abilities are optional; you don’t have to use them, even if you could. This doesn’t prevent the rest of your attack from taking place.
Multiple Abilities: When a card has more than one Blitz ability a player may play any or all of them in the order they prefer.
Current Attack Only: Blitz abilities are only playable on the current attack.
Single Use: A Blitz ability is played only once unless the card says otherwise.
Exceptions to Blitz
While many Attacks will feature the new Blitz ability, not all will. Attacks may still have Response abilities on them. Keyword abilities that use the Enhance step, like Powerful or EX, still use the Enhance step. Finally, this ability is compatible retroactively with all cards in UniVersus’ history, but previously published cards are not being changed or errata'd with the introduction of Blitz. Attacks that have Enhance abilities still work the same as they always have, and the Enhance step will continue to function as it always has. It is the key space for interactive game play within UniVersus and will remain so.
The Blitz timing keyword will begin appearing in UniVersus booster packs near you soon!