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Introducing: Backups

UVS Staff

Today we’re very excited to introduce a brand new card type coming soon to UniVersus: backups.

What are backups?

UniVersus is an epic battle between you and your rival, launching massive attacks at one another until a victor emerges. But what if things aren’t going that well for you in your battle? Who do you call for help?

Enter: your backup.

A backup is a new “permanent” type of card coming to UniVersus in August that represents figures from the worlds we visit you can summon to your side to help you out in a pinch. They’ll remain in your stage until they’ve helped you win the game or until your rival defeats them before turning their sights back to you.

Attacking Backups

You play Backups as a form during your Combat Phase, just like Foundations or Assets, and they get built into your stage during the end phase (unlike Foundations, though, they can’t be used to pass checks). Each backup enters your stage with a defined amount of “stamina;” once a backup’s stamina is gone, it’s placed in your discard pile. How does a Backup lose stamina? Glad you asked!

  • A Backup can use its stamina to pay for its abilities

  • A rival can attack your Backup, with successful attacks removing that amount of stamina (note: your Backup is tough enough to fight on its own, so you won’t be able to block attacks aimed at it!)

When playing an attack, the player decides if they want to attack their rival’s character or a rival’s Backup.

A First Look

Interested in a first look at some upcoming Backups? Check out our card image gallery here. We’ll have more exciting information about Backups in an upcoming installment of our “Designing UniVersus” series from Game Design.

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