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Godzilla Day: Godzilla Minus One promo cards from UniVersus!

Godzilla Day is coming up!

Every year on November 3rd, Toho and Godzilla fans around the world come together to celebrate the birth of the world's most iconic monster, Godzilla! This year, we are pleased to announce a collaboration between Toho International and UVS Games. To celebrate the upcoming film “GODZILLA MINUS ONE,” we have special Godzilla cards!

*These character cards without the check numbers can be used as a Starting Character, but not placed in your deck. They will be immediately legal in standard starting the day of the promotion. The Godzilla promo card is not legal for the UniVersus HLC main event.

Check out TCGplayer’s #GodzillaDay landing page link below to learn how you can get this exclusive mechanically unique Godzilla Character Card! Also, notice there is an alt-art version card. This is the 1-in-10 movie poster version which is also part of this promotion. This is a great time to preorder My Hero Academia CCG: Jet Burn which releases on November 17, 2023, with prerelease events at your Local Game Store starting on November 10, 2023.

TCGplayer Godzilla Day Offer!

We are also very happy to announce that the Godzilla Challenger Series will be joining the UniVersus CCG in 2024! More details will be coming in the near future.

In the meantime, you can get your movie tickets!

Reserve Tickets for GODZILLA MINUS ONE 

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