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UVS Games Game Design Team

Our Banned and Errata announcement will be posted in full next week on its usual schedule. However, due to the fact many teams of players are meeting to prepare for Worlds we’re making the unorthodox decision to announce our changes to the community early. Our full reasoning and explanations will be published on our usual cadence, the first Tuesday of February and go into effect that following Monday. Thanks, and good luck to all our Worlds competitors preparing for the big event.

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Card Errata Update:

  • Bertolt Hoover, Living Weapon

  • Disarming Glance

  • Mimic

  • Nott's Flask

  • Recovery Girl

Bertolt Hoover Living Weapon



Enhance: Draw 2 cards and discard 2 cards. If the discarded cards are the same type, this attack gets +2 or -2 damage.

Response: At the start of the End Phase, transform Bertolt Hoover, Living Weapon. Each player chooses 3 foundations in their stage and sacrifices the rest. Only playable if a player has 9 or more foundations.


Enhance: Draw 2 cards and discard 2 cards. If the discarded cards are the same type, this attack gets +2 damage.

Response: At the start of the End Phase, transform Bertolt Hoover, Living Weapon. Each player chooses 3 foundations in their stage and sacrifices the rest. Only playable if a player has 11 or more foundations.

Disarming Glance

MHA07 | 093 Disarming Glance


Response Flip: After an attack is played, players cannot play abilities that add cards to their hand until after it resolves.


Response Flip: After an attack is played, players cannot play abilities that add cards to their hand during this attack.


UVS05 Undaunted Raid | 078 Mimic


Response [Once per turn]: After you check an asset, add 1 attack with a check value of 3 from your discard pile to your hand.


Response Commit: After you check an asset, add 1 attack with a check value of 3 from your discard pile to your hand.

Nott's Flask

CR-MN | 004 Notts Flask


Card has no keywords

Card has the Unique Keyword

Recovery Girl

UVS03 Provisional | 002 Recovery Girl


Response: After you take damage, build 1 foundation from your discard pile.


Response: After you take damage, build 1 foundation from your discard pile committed.

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