My Hero Academia Set 7: Girl Power Booster Display
The My Hero Academia: Girl Power booster set features all of your favorite female students, heroes, and villains. Building on previous My Hero Academia releases in the UniVersus, this set has over 180 new cards to get players excited!
Each Display contains 24 Girl Power booster packs.
- Each booster contains 11 total cards- 1 character card, 6 commons, 3 uncommons and one of the following: Rare, Ultra Rare or Secret Rare.
- Girl Power contains 6 different powerful Secret Rares to enhance your deck.
- Limited edition Chrome Rares appear in this set as exciting character card treatments!
- My Hero Academia fans will be excited about seeing their favorite characters featured in this release.

Every pack showcases powerful women from across the entire My Hero Academia series. Each pack includes 1 Character card featuring heroes and villains like Mirko and Toga, to students from Class 1-A and 1-B such as Ururaka and Kendo.

The Girl Power booster packs showcase powerful women from across the entire My Hero Academia series. Each pack includes 1 Character card featuring heroes and villains like Mirko and Toga to UA students from Class 1-A and 1-B like Ururaka and Kendo.

FOILS IN EVERY PACK: Each booster contains great collectability with a foil Rare or superior. Seize the opportunity to unveil even more dazzling cards like Ultra Rares, Secret Rares, or perhaps even the most elusive of all, the serialized Chrome Rares!

THE GIRLS ARE BACK! — Reprints from older My Hero Academia UniVersus sets are included in Girl Power. So even if you missed them back then, you have another chance here!