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2024 OCE Nationals Synopsis!

UVS Games Staff

This past weekend, AKIKAMBARA in the Australian Capital Territory was home to the 2024 UniVersus OCE Nationals, where the best players from the OCE region gathered to do battle, and earn their spot at Worlds! Turnout was the highest it's been for the entire 2024 OP cycle, with players lining up to show their stuff and claim goodies from our prize wall, with the most expensive items (the uncut sheets) being the first to go!

Big congratulations are in order for ZANE LANDRIGAN, who took the top spot with his lethal Mimic deck!

oce nats bracket final

WINNER: Zane Landrigan (Mimic)
Finalist: James O'Doherty (Mimic)
Top 4: Bailey Fukunaga-Sigsworth (Mimic)
Top 4: Torin Milliken (King Ghidorah, Emperor of the Cosmos)

In fact, we saw an awful lot of the little guy in top 8, with three of the top four running Mimic, and OCE Regionals winner Torin Milliken's King Ghidorah, Emperor of the Cosmos rounding it out.

OCE Nationals 2025 breakdown

Aside from Mimic, the ever-hungry Sasha Blouse, Food Fanatic made quite a few appearances, along with tall terror Bertolt Hoover, Living Weapon, a pair of kaiju kings, adventurers from Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein, and a certain successor to One For All.

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Other great news from the event: by popular demand, OCE is getting a second Regionals event in the 2025 cycle!

This is just the start! Nationals are far from done, with the EU Nationals starting up this coming weekend on Friday, January 17th! Stay tuned for more highlights and updates on our social channels, and we'll see you at the next one!

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